Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Day 7 on meds - Tuesday

Well today was the first day of school and to say I was nervous would be an understatement! Linc woke up feeling pretty good and pretty excited. But the nerves were there you could see it. We are normally quite early for the bus but for some reason when we walked out today we were late and the bus was already at the stop. I think it turned out to be a good thing because he just ran to the bus. There was no standing around and over thinking the whole thing. Being that it was the first day I raced to the school so I could meet him when getting off the bus and walk him to class.

He walked through the halls saying hello to all the friends he had missed over the summer and then promptly sat down outside his class to wait to go in. The first thing he did when he sat down was pull out his "Taking Tourettes to School" book and showed it to the person sitting next to him and started to explain what it was. It was awesome.

I popped into the class to see the teacher for just a moment. Let her know we were sorry we dumped so much info on her over the weekend and that Linc had a book about Tourettes and that he wanted his class to know about it because he didn't want to worry anyone was going to tattle on him if he didn't something he wasn't supposed to. She said they were going to read aloud today and that she would read the book.

He came in and took his seat. She had a paper for them to fill out and as I stood in the hall talking to a friend I watched him look frustrated and upset. It broke my heart to leave him and I worried all day he was having a rough time of it.

I anxiously stood at the bus in the afternoon waiting for him to get off.

When I saw him bound down the stairs and proclaim, "Today was AWESOME" there are no words to describe how happy I was.

He said class was great. He said the teacher read the book and when she was finished one of the kids in class said, "that book was awesome I want that book." which made Linc feel great. He said once everyone knew about it he felt much better. He said he didn't think about trying not to do it as much because he wasn't worried about anyone getting mad anymore. I asked him if he had many tics during the day and he said he thought he had some but he wasn't paying attention so he isn't sure and that was a great enough answer for me.

He remained in a great mood the rest of the evening. He had several moments of vocal tics. Some cursing and some bop type sounds but nothing that was over powering him. He hasn't been picking at his bug bites nearly as much and the muscle tics are so slight now. His whole face scrunching where he would stop talking to get through the tic hasn't been happening. He does a bit with his eyes looking to the side but I don't even think he notices it and it doesn't stop him while he is doing something.

So glad day 1 of third grade was a positive one. Now just a couple hundred more and we'll be to summer again.

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Day 9 on meds - Thursday

We started the morning again with the, "I don't wanna go to school" song. It is going to be a really long school year if every...